Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Quick Questions On The Trail...

Just wanted to start logging a few journal-type notes from a typical afternoon as Mike & I (& whoever's with us) go out asking people a few questions on the Monon Trail here in Indy. Many are people who will never otherwise feel comfortable going in a church, or maybe will never feel compelled to want to read through 66 books of the Bible. Or they turn off 'Christian tv' just as quickly as it 'turns them off'. So how else will anyone reach them with the good news? [Btw, this set of questions that we use is not Mike's nor mine, lest anyone think we're particularly bright or clever or godly. Those who know us very well, know better. **smile** No, rather, we're simply following some tried & true experiences of others. Will write more about that sometime soon.]

Tomorrow, I'll continue with the questions, but for today, let me just pose the very first question we ask of someone the Lord leads us to...

"Excuse me.... Would you help us a minute?"

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