Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Me? I didn't go to the White House today... (like one of our blogging friends and his wife & sister), BUT... I feel like I traveled the world today, and just got home. Whew.

At a breakfast meeting this morning, I listened to an inspired talk by Dr. R. Pudaite, Founder of Bibles for the World. We all know that the Word of God is always instrumental in people everywhere coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Dr. Pudaite simply inspired us to take that to heart and do whatever we can to make it possible for EVERY home in the world to have a Bible. He alluded to the (high) number of Bibles we probably all have in our homes, and said their goal was to have ONE Bible in each home before anyone has TWO. **smile** One of their major fields, is India.

Over lunch, I met with my "accountability" group -- a handful of other parachurch leaders here who get together monthly to encourage one another and to get updates, prayer concerns, etc. One of them is Jim Smith, the U.S. Director for Middle East Christian Outreach (MECO). He shared about his organization's zeal for assisting churches in that area of the world... to bring muslims to Christ.

And just now, I finished my "world tour" by meeting with Craig Dyer, President of Bright Hope International -- a Christian relief organization targeting Zambia this year.

I know, I know... the question is obvious... "Where did you find time to go to all these meetings today? Don't you have to make a living?". Yep. "Ministry Support Services" -- that's me. At least in between meals. **LOL**

Naming Names: My Bright Hope connection comes via (the NET, of course... LOL) my praying friend from Chicago, Phil Miglioratti, (National Pastors Prayer Network) involved in ... and the national "city-reaching" initiative by the Mission America Coalition (Lighthouse Movement). Btw, Phil is the author of the short-but-inspiring piece called... "Living In a Prayed-for City".

Ok, ok... the guy who DID go to the White House today is a digital co-conspirator in Christ (via -- the "Blog Blurb Syndicate")... Rudy Carrasco (

At least I got home before you did, Rudy.

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