Saturday, September 20, 2008

Church Metrics.... An Outstanding (Upcoming) Innovation

Introducing ChurchMetrics from ChurchMetrics on Vimeo.


IndyChristian Commentary...

Awesome innovation !!!

I love seeing this being promoted by an innovative church, too. That could greatly help its chances for success.


We have an expression in the business world... "Ya get what you measure... and little else." (because organizations tend to MANAGE what they measure... and little else).

So WILL we measure the right stuff.... ie, indicators of TRUE CHURCH EFFECTIVENESS at what Christ gave us to do? (the Great Commission) And hopefully, the DRIVERS of the Great Commission... eg., Bible, Prayer, Care, Share, Dare, Discipling (replicating), Multicultural, Connection, Communication... etc.

[Or will they only measure pew-sitters and money-givers? Remember, churches have been measuring that for years... and thus we now have accomplished what? Uh... pew-sitting and money-giving.

It's an exciting day, when churches start begging these kinds of great questions, and developing innovating solutions. I guess we'll soon see -- at the speed of Light -- whether in fact we're actually DOING what we say we're doing... ie, the Great Commission.

Let me be the first (that I know of) to suggest that as driven Christians start STANDARDIZING some of these measures, we will someday soon see the advent of a new addition to the accounting field... called... "Mission Auditor".

Let me paraphrase Pastor Rick Warren... "If you can't measure progress re your mission statement, it's just a PR piece."

ECFA... Are you with us on this?


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