Wednesday, March 23, 2005

"Productive Friction"...

"PC Forum: Moving from friction-free to productive friction by ZDNet's Dan Farber -- Day three of PC Forum started with a discussion with John Seely Brown and John Hagel about productive friction, which is the subject of their forthcoming book The Only Sustainable Edge: Why Business Strategy Depends On Productive Friction and Dynamic Specialization.Seely Brown described differences between the way Toyota and Detroit car manufacturers work with suppliers as an example of how productive friction works. Detroit tells suppliers exactly what to do, and focuses on getting the lowest price. Toyota looks at how to build relationships where suppliers, who are encouraged to push back (friction) as a way to unleash innovation across a multi-tier supplier network. In another example, a major distributor of motorcycle in China was able to reduce the price of manufacturing..." [continued at ZDnet]

They call it 'productive friction'. I call it loving diversity. Jesus called it 'loving your neighbor as yourself'. It's the ideal model for change. I've enjoyed finding ministry cultures which have over time geared their real core values to create such an environment -- they'll be the leading organizations tomorrow... and making a difference. The core values & culture being taught (and modeled) at Crossroads Bible College exemplify such a culture.

The other day, Jim Weidmann cited an insightful African proverb:

"To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together."

Blogs become soul-searching sites...

[Given that the article below comes from the 'MSM', their back-handed compliment is better than sanctimonously ignoring the blogosphere. LOL. In any event, it's evidence they're 'catching on'.]

[Excerpted from "Blogs Become Sites for Soul-Searching on Life & Death Question"]

"Popular as the uncensored bastions of ideological chest-thumping, Web logs have emerged in the debate over Terri Schiavo's fate as something more mature: a place where people struggle to make sense of their complex and contradictory feelings."

"It really does fill in for what used to be water-cooler talk."

[continued at L.A. Times]


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Creating 'Community' in a community...

I've enjoyed becoming increasingly aware of JollyBlogger and Adrian Warnock regarding their work at pulling together some of the solid constituencies among the body of (blogging) believers.

So I very much enjoyed seeing David's review yesterday of Andrew Careaga's book, "eMinistry"...

And for the sake of journaling a common tenet of my upcoming (someday, LOL) "95 Theses", I'll cut/paste my comment to David's review:

"Well said. In fact when it comes to 'community building', here in Indy we believe that the internet holds great promise when it comes to expediting real-world 'community' among Christ-followers in a geographic community, across the various divides that heretofore separated us.
And because of the increased transparency of (esp. blogging) believers, their spiritual gifts and passions, the internet serves as a digital 'coin-sorter'; thus when very-like-minded people connect and can get together in the real-world, they can forego superficial interplays that typically have taken years to get beyond. Thus the unity/harmony of the Kingdom is accelerated by the new 'city-gate'. "

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Blog unto others...

[Excellent catch, Frank. I think we'll build these into our upcoming Editorial Policy at]

"Blog unto others as you would have others blog unto you."

[continue with "Biblical advice for bloggers"]

[hat-tip, Strategic Digital Outreach]

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Are Apple bloggers reporters? Dunno.

Update to one of the 'Bloggers v. Journalists' clashes:

Guess we won't know, from the Apple bloggers case. Judge Kleinberg instead "focused on the notion that the published information included trade secrets and was essentially stolen property". Apple's ability to maintain trade secrets prevailed over the public's right to information. And thus, there was no need to decide if bloggers could also be protected from suboenas, because even journalists would be required to disclose their sources.

Appeals are expected.

[Barry, you were right on target... once again.]

Monday, March 07, 2005

At a suit's core: Are bloggers reporters too?


[excerpted from New York Times...]

"In the physical world, being labeled a journalist may confer little prestige and may even evoke some contempt. But being a journalist can also confer certain privileges, like the right to keep sources confidential. And for that reason many bloggers, a scrappy legion of online commentators and pundits, would like to be considered reporters, too. "

"A lawsuit filed in California by Apple Computer is drawing the courts into that question: who should be considered a journalist? "

[continue at New York Times] Given that a dozen bloggers were credentialed at the recent CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) in Washington, D.C., and they actively reported worldwide to a sizable (and growing) audience, it would seem foolhardy for a judge to try to distinguish between 'labels'. Even individuals, as 'whistleblowers', accrue certain specially-recognized rights under law. The test should clearly be one of 'function over form'. If a blogger reports, he or she is a reporter. Whether they editorialized yesterday about recipes or sports is virtually irrelevant. Sources need to be reasonably protected.

If you publish news, events, opinions online, you should be protected by the constitution's first amendment... freedom of the press. It's a basic American right that transcends publishing methodologies.