Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Creating 'Community' in a community...

I've enjoyed becoming increasingly aware of JollyBlogger and Adrian Warnock regarding their work at pulling together some of the solid constituencies among the body of (blogging) believers.

So I very much enjoyed seeing David's review yesterday of Andrew Careaga's book, "eMinistry"...

And for the sake of journaling a common tenet of my upcoming (someday, LOL) "95 Theses", I'll cut/paste my comment to David's review:

"Well said. In fact when it comes to 'community building', here in Indy we believe that the internet holds great promise when it comes to expediting real-world 'community' among Christ-followers in a geographic community, across the various divides that heretofore separated us.
And because of the increased transparency of (esp. blogging) believers, their spiritual gifts and passions, the internet serves as a digital 'coin-sorter'; thus when very-like-minded people connect and can get together in the real-world, they can forego superficial interplays that typically have taken years to get beyond. Thus the unity/harmony of the Kingdom is accelerated by the new 'city-gate'. "

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