"Transform Indiana"... This past Thursday was really encouraging. This visionary/planning group met, now for the 7th time, and continues to hang in there against all odds. Their bright hope is to actually see a "paradigm shift" (and I'm not talking about the www, you netizens...LOL) in the way we live our daily lives in our communities. They're praying, planning, and working toward the day that Christians lay self-interest on the altar -- even churches laying self-interest aside -- for the good of our neighbors & whole communities, by modeling & sharing the Good News and its abundant life application.

And "as iron sharpens iron, so one city sharpeneth another" (forgive my modifications) -- this Indianapolis group is greatly encouraged by Chicagoland pastors & leaders involved in their
"One Great City" initiative. In fact, we spent a good portion of our meeting, going through a PowerPoint presentation that they have on their website... a good example of how the web does help us "spur one another on toward love & good deeds".
We're also greatly heartened by the Mission America Coalition (Lighthouse Movement) and their thrust toward
city-reaching. Yesterday, on their national teleconference call with city-reps, they invited George S. Gallup, Jr. to address issues & answers. What a terrific resource. And as all Christian coalitions, it comes as a result of us putting aside a certain amount of self-interest, and working primarily toward the glory of the name of Christ.
Another great encouragement? These "Transforming Indiana" folks were willing -- in fact inspired -- to continue meeting at the emerging
"Urban Collaborative Center". It's hardly because of the facilities at this early stage of its life.... but rather because of their hearts for any and all peoples of Indiana. I call these types of leaders "Driven Christians in the Racing Capital of the World". **smile**